Throughout my teaching career, I often get comments like
"What to do?!? Old already."
But I believe it's never too late to learn to use your body- even for our pioneer and elderly generation. It is highly beneficial for them as the loss of muscle strength, bone density and flexibility that is associated with aging can be combated through Pilates.

The unfortunately reality is that most of our parents or grandparents have either accepted the fact that they have "aged" thinking that aches and pains is a part of the "getting old". Some may have lost hope and the willingness to do something about it.
In today's time, we are equipped with modern science -especially Google! We have access to information that was not available a decade ago! We can help share and be an inspiration to our beloved elderly or even those in their 50's and afraid of trying something new. We are lucky that in Singapore, assistance is relatively accessible by the government and private practice such as Pilates and Rehabilitative Studios.
Pilates is great body-weight or resistance based exercise that can be catered to each individual- including the pioneers. Great example is our lovely client Elizabeth who had struggled going through "Long Covid", was in a wheelchair and now is walking with a cane thanks to Pilates.
If you are yet to be convinced, here are important reasons why Pilates is a great exercise for seniors-
1. Mind to Body Connection
Pilates exercises are made with intent. This requires you to understand your body and stay focused on deliberate movements from the head to the feet. This enables the mind to send the message to the body to move.

2 . Balance, Stability and Coordination
Falling is possibly one of the top fears for our parents and grandparents. This usually happens when ‘core to leg’ strength has been compromised. Pilates can not just improve the weakened muscles but also the joints of the legs to the hips with balance work for a "centered core".
3. Breath
Have you ever heard your grandparents say “I am out of breath!” Pilates is a great way to start using the intercostal muscles (which is primarily used for breathing) in coordination with the exercise. The focus is the controlled breathing and quality of movement and not just the number of repetitions. This allows them to breathe better with every movement and stay healthy!

4. Flexibility and Strength for Pain Management
We are as "young" as our joints. Pilates exercises help with a variety of age-related ailments such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Coupled with stretches to lengthen the muscles, this will make the bones and muscles lean and long! Supple muscles will help manage the aches and pains associated with aging.
5. Modifications to regress exercises
We don’t expect the seniors to start "strong". There is always a way to modify the exercise to make it manageable for our seniors to execute the movement. We also have to listen to the body and its capabilities to know if we can progress the exercise or give extra time to stretch out the muscles before increasing the level of difficulty.
Before beginning any class, Made To Move Studio will recommend an Introductory Private Class to assess each person from their posture, history and/or medical background, limitations and/or pre-existing condition that the instructor needs to be aware of. Rest assured you have capable hands to help your loved ones start Pilates even at 60. There is really no excuse not to do something good for the body at any given age!
Our instructor Kuan, is also certified for Clinical Pilates and Exercise Rehabilitation specifically for the elderly, get to know his credentials here or simply Whatsapp us at +6588990354 to book an appointment with him.
To help you share the joy of wellness and Pilates, we are offering the Gift of Movement. You may send Gift Vouchers to your loved ones. Learn more here or simply email us at